“Ruben Alvarez has helped our practice grow and develop. Since the day he joined our team we have made positive improvements and continue to learn and progress. Thank you for all of your expertise!

Rebecca H., O.M.Business OwnerPleasant Hill, CA

“Ruben is the best in his field at finding true talent. I was impressed with how seamlessly he was able to integrate my vision of a hiring the right person from over 500 miles away. He was prompt and insightful during the entire process. As my business continues to grow I will definitely hire Ruben to help me find the next member of my dental team.”

MS, DDSDentist Scottsdale, AZ

“The impact Ruben and Solutions counseling has been ‘beyond measure’ regarding the quality of our practice and the pure enjoyment of our jobs! All the rest that they provide is definitely measurable and that’s what they do best…quantify results!”

BT, DDSBusiness OwnerTempe, AZ

“Ruben’s consulting has reduced my stress and that of our team. He empowered my staff, reduced our AR to less than 1 month of production, and raised our production. He also helped to decrease the chaos of the office and increased patient satisfaction. All of this was done on fewer work days and fewer work hours per day. It is the best investment I have ever made. Ruben’s program has provided my office superior business systems. The ramifications of their implementation will last for the rest of my career.”

SS, DDSDestist Sacramento, CA

“A friend of mine referred Ruben to me. We have been working with him and saw results right away! Highly recommended!”

F.Galvan JR, DDSDentist Vallejo, CA